/* TEAM */ Design & Development: Selesti Ltd Website: https://www.selesti.com Contact: hello@selesti.com Twitter: @selesti From: Norwich & London Design: Creative Director: Ollie Blackmore Lead Designer: Susie Kabuiku Development: Head of Development: Jamie Cotton Senior Developer: Emily Cox Lead UX Developer: Owen Melbourne Frontend Developer: Shaun Wall Backend Developer: Matt Rogowski Backend Developer: Richard Evans Backend Developer: Ben Hamment Account Management: Head of Client Services: Tom Parsely Digital Account Manager: Vic Lynskey Digital Account Manager: Clare Britton /* THANKS */ UIKit Website: http://getuikit.com/ Font Awesome Website: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/ /* Technology */ Language: PHP Tech: Composer, Less & Sass, jQuery, UnderscoreJS, AngularJS, UIKit, Modernizr, OwlCarousel, Bower Task Runners: Grunt & Gulp CI: DeployBot Doctype: HTML5 IDE: Sublime Text, FileZilla, Photoshop, Sketch